Brinquedo sexual Meio corpo Torso B00763-8.9KG

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Half Body Torso B00763, this realistic sex toy is made from high-quality silicone material, offering an unparalleled sexual experience that will leave you breathless.

With a weight of 8.9 kilograms, this Half Body Torso feels incredibly life-like and provides an intense sense of realism. The skin texture is incredibly detailed, giving you the feeling of touching real skin, and the silicone material used is far superior in terms of skin texture and durability compared to regular silicone material.

What sets our Half Body Torso apart is the strong texture in the vulva channel. This adds a level of sexual excitement that is sure to leave you satisfied and coming back for more. The realistic design and proportions of this sex toy will give you the most satisfying and immersive sexual experience imaginable.


Modelo nº:B00763-8.9KG
Circunferência do tórax57CM
Circunferência da cintura40CM
Circunferência do quadril69CM
Comprimento da passagem vaginal/
Comprimento da passagem anal/
Comprimento total do pênis/
Comprimento inserívelNenhum
Diâmetro do pênisNenhum
Opção de corS7513C Tez asiática
S4715C Tez latino-americana
S7518C Pele africana
S488C Tez rosada
S080C Pele branca
Tamanho da embalagem/
MOQ3 unidades para as peles asiáticas S7513C e latino-americanas S4715C. 200 unidades para todos os outros tipos de pele.

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